Plato's Porno Cave presents: A DREAM SYMPOSIUM
The inspiration for the exhibition is derived from the speech of Aristophanes in Plato’s Symposium. Aristophanes talks of the Greek myth of the creation of love. The myth suggests that when humans were first formed there were three genders, each having eight limbs, two heads and two sets of genitalia. Their bodies were large, powerful and round like the sun and moon. When the humans challenged the gods by climbing Olympus they were split into tw weaker halves. The halves exist as we do today and are on a constant search for each other. Using the language of performance and mantra, this exhibition explores the sublime emotions of finding and losing your other half and the surreal images conjured up by exploring this myth.
at Little Berlin Gallery |
January 21st, 2012 |
Philadelphia, PA |
A collaboration with Augustus Depenbrock and Jon Shapiro
view more photos on Flickr shot by Tyler Kline
Augustus Depenbrock describes the installation "Heads of the Table":
The Wandering Half GiantsThe performers will meander around in extremely oversized clothes with twelve-foot long empty limbs. These emotionally lost giants physically evoke the state of emptiness that occurs from losing your other half. They will impart this state upon visitors through a series of Aristotelian questions.
Zeus's Keys of LightningThis performance is inspired by Zeus’ punishment to split the human race for challenging the gods. While a piano is being played it will be dismantled until the only music coming from it are the electric whirl of power tools cutting through its sound board.